We had our first indication that something was wrong with Sam at an ultrasound at 28 weeks. It was discovered that Sam had an enlarged bladder that was full. They checked it again at the next ultrasound appointment and it was still enlarged and full. It was not emptying. At the next ultrasound, a pediatric urologist came to my ultrasound and said that he looked good and was growing so we would take care of it when he came out. I let it go and prayed for my boy and hoped everything would be ok when he came out. At the 34 week NST it was determined Sam was not reactive in utero and they should get him out right away and work on him.
Samuel came bouncing into our lives, along with his twin sister Amelia, on January 6, 2007. It was quite of whirlwind of emotions, it was truly the best of times and the worst of times. I was elated and frightened all at once. After two days, neither baby had passed their first poop. The surgery department ran a test on both of them and Amelia’s contrast ran through her intestines, but Sam’s stopped at the end of his small intestine. Amelia was given enemas to pass her meconium poop and Sam would be scheduled for surgery if he didn’t pass it on his own.

I can remember Amelia pooping the first time! We all jumped for joy! Unfortunately this would never happen for Sam. At six days old, Sam would have his surgery for his ileostomy. Within days of surgery, Sam took his first sip of pedialyte and kept it down. I will never forget being there when stool came into his bag. Thank you God my boy can eat!
His bladder has been very little trouble to us. When we came home we were doing intermittent catheterizations but were told to discontinue since we were introducing germs to his system and he could empty on his own.
Sam has had his challenges. His colon is very tiny; there is little hope for being reconnected. He has had to have two major revisions which meant long hospitals stays, he often ends up in the hospital with dehydration from stomach bugs and he has a very small stature. But he is living a beautiful life! He has such a sweet soul and is such a good person. He is such a blessing to all of us!
Sam loves animals, birds, cats, dogs, every creature God has created. He is a great baseball player, basketball player and is starting on an ice hockey league in the fall. He enjoys scouting and is currently working on completing his Arrow of Light award. He is a complete and total gamer and has to be kept in the real world like almost all boys of 10 years of age!